I was visiting one of my clients the other day when the mail came and -wouldn't you know it? - there was a fat envelope from the IRS. This NastyGram was actually a wage levy directed not at my client, but at one of his employees. When I explained to my client how much of the employee's net pay would … [Read more...]
Outsourced CFO
It is often said - especially around my house - that a CPA doesn't make a good carpenter, plumber or electrician. But we do make good CFO's. I am currently the CFO for Donham & Sweeney - Architects of Boston and I have worked in similar capacities for other firms, particularly in the … [Read more...]
Too Old to Pay Taxes?
I work with several financial planners. One called recently with an unusual question. He had met with a new client and discovered the man hadn't filed his tax returns in 6 years even though he owns property and collects rental income. An interesting wrinkle (no pun intended!) was that the man … [Read more...]
Death and Taxes
Recently, I had lunch with a local funeral director. When it was proposed, I instantly began dreading this meeting with my own mortality, but, once we sat down and began chatting, I quickly realized we had a lot in common – him being Death and me being Taxes. We both want to help our clients … [Read more...]